Job Seekers’ Stealth Persuasion Methods

Methods of Stealth Persuasion Used by Job Seekers
Before your interview, you will have completed your preliminary research. You will have visited the website of your potential future employee, learned about their culture, read their mission statement, and discussed their future plans. You may have matched their corporate vocabulary on your CV, prepared some questions, and created a list of bullet points with key information about yourself.
Subliminal Strategy No. 1
You’ve been invited into the interview room, and you’re on stage; as with any performance, making an impactful entrance is critical; the last thing you want to do is leave the meeting wondering if you’ll ever have another chance to make a better first impression. This implies that you should think about developing rapport from the beginning.
Another method for establishing rapport is to convince yourself that you already have it. Consider your interviewer to be a good friend, and consider how you greet those with whom you are acquainted; please avoid hugs and kisses; we are not talking about your very close friends.
When you imagine yourself greeting people you know, consider how confident you are and how inclusive your body language is. Subconsciously, you are sending messages of acceptance and liking to those around you, who will undoubtedly respond positively on an instinctive level. You are taking the first proactive steps toward taking control of the meeting by establishing rapport in this manner.
Smiling is also important; as you enter the interview room, keep a neutral expression on your face before moving forward and acknowledging your interviewer. We propose this because “difference” is more noticeable than “sameness.” If you walk into the room with a smile on your face, you were probably smiling outside as well. When you slowly smile at someone, they get the impression that they are being greeted warmly.
Subliminal Strategy No. 2
Allow the interviewer to take the initiative once more by raising your hand first for the handshake while maintaining good eye contact. You have subtly assumed control of the meeting from the beginning, which is entirely natural.
Subliminal Strategy No. 3
Because we are programmed as children to accept anything said after the word “Because.” as true, controlled experiments on the word because revealed it to be one of the most influential words in the English language.
Have you ever thought to yourself, “Why do I have to go to bed now?” The response was invariably “because it’s your bedtime or because I say so,” or you asked “why must I eat “X,” only to be told “because it’s good for you.” Fortunately, most people are unaware of the power of “because” for those seeking to increase their influence and persuade others.
Let’s look at how you can strategically use the word “Because” to increase your influence and say what you want to say. Many candidates provide a single response when answering interview questions, and interviewees can often detect the competency of their interviewer, and concern grows if the appropriate questions are not posed.
If you want the job, your only goal in attending an interview is to move on to the next round; you are there to help the interviewer make the right decision by channeling them to ask the right questions.
Here are some examples of interview questions where both candidates are equally qualified:
Interviewer What kind of experience do you have in crisis management?
Candidate 1: In my first job, an experienced college made a decision that proved to be incorrect, causing significant business disruption. I took command of the situation and brought it to a successful conclusion, saving the company a lawsuit and thousands of pounds.
Candidate 2: I am well-versed in all issues that can affect organizations like this because I studied and obtained certification in crisis and business continuity management. When, for example, XYZ Ltd, and so on.
Candidate one’s response meets the requirement of the question, but what makes candidate two’s response more compelling?
Interviewer What is your most serious flaw?
Candidate 1: On occasion, I find pressure to be a little stressful, but this isn’t a problem because I can handle most demanding situations.
Candidate 2: Stress used to be a problem for me, but after taking a Time Management Course at X, I am now able to work well in the majority of stressful situations.
This is a difficult interview question because no one wants their flaws to be highlighted. Candidate number two has not only previously identified the weakness, but has also verbally reinforced relevant information.
Interviewer Where do you see yourself in five years?
Candidate 1: Based on my previous experience, I believe that team management is the next logical step for me.
Candidate 2: My advancement at XYZ Ltd. has been consistent because I am career-driven and have a five-year plan. As I transition into a more people-oriented role, the next five years will be critical for me.
The second candidate has stated that they are career-focused, which is one of the reasons they asked this question; they have stated that they have a five-year plan and that their career progression has been consistent in the past.
Following candidate two’s responses, a wise interviewer will most likely ask:
- What evidence in your background suggests that you are a career-driven person?
- What is your five-year strategy?
- What do you mean by “moving toward” a more people-management role, and when do you plan to do so?
- Tell me about your previous company’s role progression.
Candidate two is anticipating the questions he or she wants to be asked as a result of their “because” lead response, because they planted the seed and control the interview.
The use of the word “Because” strategically allows the interviewee to verbally reinforce information, provide more detailed answers, and, most importantly, direct the interviewer to the appropriate question.
- Meet new people as if you already know them because you send subliminal messages of liking and acceptance that they can’t help but respond to.
- Slowly break into a smile when you acknowledge others.
- Everything that follows the word “because” is assumed to be true.
- Adding “because” to a request is guaranteed to increase compliance because it occurs naturally.
- Because it makes you appear more powerful, using the word “because” increases your influence.
- When responding to questions, use “because” more frequently.
- As you practice, make a list of questions and keep track of your answers.
Enjoy these techniques; they will undoubtedly give you a significant advantage over those who are unfamiliar with their application, and remember that practicing them in a stress-free environment is always a good idea because the more you practice, the more proficient you will become.