Interview Techniques for Success

Many young people nowadays don’t know how to get a job in the government or the non-public sector. A lot of this information could be very useful for recent graduates and entry-level employees, as well as knowledgeable professionals.
A key to success is conducting research on the job and the group, company, or firm with whom you are interviewing. Use your private community to find the names of current employees you may wish to name prior to the interview. Knowing about the job and the employer will show you how to put together an interview strategy, acceptable questions to ask, and points to emphasize.
Interviews’ Purpose
The job interview is a strategic conversation with a purpose. Your goal is to persuade the employer that you have the skills, background, and talent to do the job and that you would fit in well with the group and its traditions. During a similar interview, you should gather information about the job and the group to determine if the job and work environment are a good fit for you.
The Interview Structure
You will usually have a series of interviews with an employer prior to receiving a job offer. The primary interview could also be a screening interview conducted over the phone or at the place of employment. Screening interviews are usually only 15-30 minutes long. During that time, the employer may describe the character of the location, may require you to elaborate on experiences outlined in your resume or utility, and may ask you a few questions. If the employer is sufficiently impressed with your performance in this interview, you may be invited to a second (and possibly third or fourth) interview.
The second interview process is longer, lasting anywhere from an hour to a full day. It could include testing, lunch or dinner, a facility tour, and a series of interviews with various staff members.
The third interview (if conducted) could also be used to discuss specific factors, issues, points, or approaches. Wage and profit objectives may also be mentioned.
Interview Topics
Plan to arrive 10-15 minutes before the scheduled time for your interview. Arriving late, on the other hand, makes a bad first impression. When preparing for the interview, request instructions.
Employers’ top ten most frequently asked questions:
1. Tell me about yourself.
2. How did you come to choose your profession?
3. What do you consider to be your greatest assets? Weaknesses?
4. How would you characterize yourself? How would your current boss describe you?
6. Why should we hire you?
7. How do you think you might be able to contribute to our group?
8. Describe your most rewarding (or challenging) work experience.
9. How do you work under duress?
10. Why did you decide to look for a job with this group, and what have you learned about us?
Preparation for the Interview:
– Be prepared, and remember to apply for the job. Do not beg, but instead inform potential employers that you simply need to work for them.
– Dress professionally and appropriately. For men, this entails a dark suit, a white shirt, a conservative tie, polished sneakers, and a neat haircut. Muted colors are frequently best for ladies, as are conservative clothing or fits, minimal jewelry, and refined make-up.
– Use humor sparingly. Do not go out of your way to get laughs, but a little lightheartedness can make everyone feel at ease.
– Be mindful of your quantity and animation. Communicate clearly and audibly; avoid rigid postures and “stiffness.”
– Make use of names. Keep the interviewers’ names in mind and use them. People enjoy hearing their own names. “The sweetest sound in any language is the sound of your individual title,” said Andrew Carnegie.
– Maintain eye contact. This reveals a person’s self-esteem.
– Finally, relax and enjoy yourself and the method. Inform the interviewer, through your words and demeanor, that you recognize the opportunity that the interview presents.