How to Answer the Top 9 Interview Questions

Attending an interview gives you a genuine opportunity to impress a hiring manager. There’s no guarantee of what you’ll be asked, but it’s useful to know that there are a few questions that come up repeatedly.
While we can’t read minds, it’s critical that you have strong answers to these questions if you want to make a big impact. Here are some of the most frequently asked interview questions, along with advice on how to respond to them. Consider this a study guide for interview questions.
Could you tell me a little bit about yourself?
This is typically used as an introductory question. This is simple; however, many people fail to prepare for it, despite the fact that it is critical. It is an excellent opportunity to highlight your skills. You can begin by providing an overview of what you are currently doing and what you have accomplished thus far in your career. You can use the same structure as your resume, providing examples of your accomplishments and skills. Don’t go into too much detail – the interviewer will ask you to expand on areas where they want more information.
What are your qualifications? Why should we hire you?
This appears to be a simple question, but you’re in luck if the hiring manager asked it. This is your opportunity to tell the hiring manager about your skills and experience that are relevant to the job position you’re applying for.
Don’t just tell the company about your experience; explain how it can help the company.
What are your strongest points?
Be precise in your response to this question. Share your true strengths rather than those you believe the employer wants to hear. Make yourself relevant. Select the strengths you will share that are most relevant to the position.
What do you consider your flaws to be?
Through this question, an interviewer hopes to determine your self-awareness and honesty. Consider something you struggle with but are working to improve. For example, perhaps public speaking is difficult for you, but you recently volunteered to run seminars to help you become more comfortable interacting with a crowd.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Be open and specific about your future objectives. Consider that a hiring manager is interested in knowing if you have realistic expectations for yourself and your career, if you have ambition, and if the position you’re applying for is relevant to your goals and growth.
Why are you quitting your current position?
Maintain a positive attitude. You have nothing to gain by being critical of your previous employers. Instead, demonstrate that you’re eager to pursue new opportunities and that the job you’re applying for now will be a better fit for you than your previous position.
What qualities do you seek in a new job?
Make your points clear. You can tell the same things about this position.
How do you handle pressure and stressful situations?
Choose an answer that demonstrates your ability to deal with a stressful situation in a productive and positive manner. The best approach is to discuss your stress-reduction strategies and to share an example of a stressful situation you’ve been through.
Have you got any questions for us?
An interview is not only an opportunity for a hiring manager to get to know you; it is also an opportunity for you to determine whether this job is a good fit for you. What information do you need about the job? What about the company? You may be asked a lot of questions during the interview, so prepare some common questions ahead of time.