3 Common Mistakes That Even Smart Job Seekers Make, Leaving Them Frustrated and Hopeless

Consider the following data. Thirty percent (roughly 300 million) of all monthly Google searches are for jobs. Furthermore, most job seekers, as well as those who are currently employed, devote the majority of their time (50%) to two activities: looking for and applying for new jobs.
What is the significance of this? That succeeding in your job search as a job seeker is difficult work. It might be the most difficult job you’ve ever had. If you are unemployed and looking for work, or if you are employed and looking for better opportunities, looking for a new job becomes a job in and of itself. To make job hunting a reality, you must be innovative and creative. To make it a reality, you must inject a great deal of creativity into it in order for it to be efficient and result-oriented. Because you are advertising and marketing a product, ‘you’ the job seeker, positioning, path, perseverance, efficiency, and character are required. You must also be able to market yourself to potential employers with sufficient dexterity.
It’s a well-known fact that job seekers (including the so-called wise ones) frequently make common mistakes that cost them dearly in their job search. They make these mistakes all the time, which leads to their job search becoming a series of actions rather than a result-oriented process. It keeps them as mere job seekers rather than potential employees.
What are the consequences of these common mistakes, and how can a job seeker avoid them?
Frequent Mistake #1: : Failing to instill networking behavior.
According to reports, networking accounts for up to 80% of all new job opportunities. According to statistics, networking accounts for 50% of all job opportunities that are presented to people with incomes of $100,000 or higher. Nonetheless, for these incomes of $60,000 to $100,000, networking accounts for 46 percent of the job opportunities that are surfaced. Statistics show that networking accounts for 46 percent of job search effectiveness for job seekers aged 50 and older. Males have historically been more likely than females to learn about new job opportunities through networking. According to statistics, this is between 46% and 39%. All of these statistics are meant to highlight the value of networking in job search.
What is the definition of networking? The term networking refers to “information exchange between you and another person.” It entails forming relationships with people who can help you advance your career in some way. By implication, this means that as a job seeker, your interactions with people and the relationships you form as a result of those interactions may also help you in the course of your job search. Most of your community contacts who are aware of job opportunities will most likely exchange such information with you and you with them.
However, what do we now have? Most people prefer to use their social media connections for gossip and other social events rather than exchanging information on job opportunities.
Can you see how failing to network effectively can limit your chances of securing additional job opportunities and, as a result, keep you frustrated and hopeless about your job situation?
Frequent Mistake #2: Limiting Job Search Options to Those That Have Been Marketed.
Private referrals are said to account for 65-70 percent of job leads. According to the Wall Street Journal, 90 percent of job opportunities are filled through personal or employee referrals.
As a result, not every job opening is typically advertised. There are some job markets that are not widely publicized. It is due to the fact that some recruiters and employers generally recruit job seekers who can be extremely useful to them through colleagues, friends, and general associates. On numerous occasions, I have used this means to help job seekers find work. In fact, a friend recently applied for and was hired for an unadvertised job opening. It is best to then get acquainted with potential employers in order to have a head start on available jobs before they are advertised by expanding your contact network. Get the names of professionals in your discipline to promote your availability in the job market. You should inquire with your college, alumni, and friends about how to contact such people. Furthermore, directories, affiliation listings, skilled organizations, alumni associations, job search tools, and phone books are a veritable goldmine of such names. To get reliable information about any job listing in any group, the best person to contact is the supervisor or supervisor of the position you’re interested in.
Do you see how restricting your job search to those that have been advertised can limit your options and keep you even more frustrated and hopeless?
Frequent Mistake #3: Failing to Create Skilled, Focused, and Attention-Grabbing Resumes
How does a potential employer assess your value to his organization without hearing it directly from you? How do you persuade a hiring manager that you’re a good fit for the job opening that he’s posted without attending an organized interview? So, how do you go to a job interview if you haven’t been invited?
You see, if you do not create a targeted, attention-grabbing, and professional resume or CV, you may not be invited for an interview. In reality, the main goal of a resume is to get you an interview invitation and nothing else. You cannot be engaged as a worker if you do not have an interview. The interview comes before the wedding.
If you haven’t already noticed, your resume is an advertisement copy that is meant to promote a product – You. To try this, it must be enticing and convincing enough to increase your chances of passing the elimination. Each time you submit one, take a look at it. The hiring manager spends less than a minute reviewing resumes. To pass the elimination examination, you must first create a professional and attention-grabbing cover letter. A professionally written resume or CV is one that is efficient and thus consistent, concise, clear, and simple to understand. It must be error-free or error-free.
What is the point of a targeted resume? A targeted resume is one that is sent to specific potential employers rather than to all potential employers. Sending 40 to 50 CVs to targeted corporations is far more efficient than sending them to every job posting on job boards. According to statistics, only 1% of job seekers are successful in sending their resumes to any employer.
Furthermore, your attention-grabbing resume should emphasize your accomplishments/achievements rather than your responsibilities and experience. You see, a potential employer is only interested in how one can assist him in resolving the issue that necessitated his filling the void. You should draw a potential employer’s attention to your good match in order to be shortlisted to fill the vacancy, and you can do so with your professionally crafted resume.
Why, you may ask, should a knowledgeable resume be attention-grabbing? An attention-grabbing skilled resume improves your marketability because it has been written in such a way that it emphasizes your accomplishments and outcomes rather than your responsibilities. Furthermore, it makes matching your expertise, accomplishments, and characteristics as a potential candidate easier and more practical, thereby increasing compatibility. It also cuts down on the amount of time you spend looking for work. Finally, it boosts your personal confidence and interview preparation by reminding you of qualities and accomplishments that you may have forgotten in the middle of an interview.
Are you being invited to interviews as frequently as you would like? If you receive an unfavorable response, have you ever reworked your resume to make it more professional, focused, and attention-grabbing? If you want a professionally written resume that is focused and attention-grabbing, as well as one that will guarantee you passing the choice examination, you should hire someone to do it for you.